Ceiling Void

In Plumbing Copilot, a Ceiling Void is defined as the space:

  1. Bounded by building boundaries on the sides.

  2. A floor element on the top.

  3. A user-defined lower bound, which can be configured in the control panel. Refer to the Ceiling Void Height section for more details.

1. Key Characteristics of Ceiling Voids as Routing Elements

  1. Physical Boundaries:

    • The ceiling void dimensions are derived from the defined boundaries, including the floor element above and the user-defined lower height.

  2. Floor Openings:

    • Any floor openings in the Revit model are not automatically taken into consideration during routing. To account for floor openings, they must be added as regions through the control panel.

    • Refer to the Regions Section for detailed instructions on defining floor openings as regions.

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