System and Family Assignment Issues

1. No 'Transition' family is assigned for the current pipe type {PipeType.Name} and the pipe sizes of the start, end, or both elements.

  • Cause: A valid 'Transition' family has not been assigned for the pipe type and sizes of the selected start or end element.

  • Solution:

    1. Open the Type Properties panel of the pipe type you are trying to use.

    2. Click Edit for the Routing Preferences option.

    3. In the Transition section, assign a suitable 'Transition' family if none is assigned.

    4. Ensure that the pipe sizes you are using fall within the minimum and maximum size range supported by the assigned 'Transition' family.

2. No 'Elbow' family is assigned for the current pipe type {PipeType.Name} and the used pipe size.

  • Cause: The selected pipe type does not have a valid 'Elbow' family assigned that corresponds with the pipe size.

  • Solution:

    1. Open the Type Properties panel of the pipe type you are trying to use.

    2. Click Edit for the Routing Preferences option.

    3. In the Elbow section, assign a suitable 'Elbow' family if none is assigned.

    4. Ensure that the pipe sizes you are using fall within the minimum and maximum size range supported by the assigned 'Elbow' family.

3. Navigation cannot start. The 'Junction' family assigned for the current pipe type: {PipeType.Name} and the used pipe size cannot be used.

  • Cause: The assigned 'Junction' family is incompatible with the current pipe type and size, preventing navigation from starting.

  • Solution:

    1. Open the Type Properties panel of the pipe type you are trying to use.

    2. Click Edit for the Routing Preferences option.

    3. In the Junction section, assign a suitable 'Junction' family if none is assigned.

    4. Ensure that the pipe sizes you are using fall within the minimum and maximum size range supported by the assigned 'Junction' family.

4. Transitioning between the two sizes is not possible for the following element: {Element.Name}.

  • Cause: The transition between the current element size and the target pipe sizes is not possible due to limitations in the transition family Routing Preferences.

  • Solution:

    • Check the required Pipe Type Routing Preferences and ensure that it supports the desired transition between the current element size and the required size.

    • Change the Transition family.

5. WARNING! The 'Junction' family assigned for the current pipe type: {PipeType.Name} and the used pipe size ONLY supports Tee-type junctions.

  • Solution: If a different type of junction is needed (e.g., Y-branch), choose a compatible 'Junction' family that supports the required junction type.

6. There is no 'Junction' family assigned for the current pipe type: {PipeType.Name} and the used pipe size.

  • Cause: The assigned 'Junction' family is incompatible with the current pipe type and size, preventing navigation from starting.

  • Solution:

    1. Open the Type Properties panel of the pipe type you are trying to use.

    2. Click Edit for the Routing Preferences option.

    3. In the Junction section, assign a suitable 'Junction' family if none is assigned.

    4. Ensure that the pipe sizes you are using fall within the minimum and maximum size range supported by the assigned 'Junction' family.

Last updated