Valid Context

In Plumbing Copilot, during the preprocessing step, the software works to localize the start and end elements within the building. For the process to proceed correctly, the elements must be within a valid routing element. The routing element must be one of the following:

  1. Wall

  2. Plumbing Chase

  3. Floor

  4. Ceiling Void

  5. Room

Once the hosting elements of both the start and end elements are identified, the software checks whether these host elements are connected.

  • If the two hosting elements are connected, the context is considered valid, and the software moves forward with the routing process.

  • If the two hosting elements are not connected, Plumbing Copilot will attempt to find a valid routing element that connects them.

Valid Context Criteria:

  • The two hosting elements should be separated by a maximum of one routing element.

  • If two or more routing elements are required to connect them, the context is considered non-valid, and the software will not proceed with the route generation.

Last updated